Saturday, June 28, 2008

They're ba-ack

The kids returned to NJ last night around 10. The flight was supposed to arrive at 7. But there were a bunch of thunderstorms along the east coast, so they stayed on the ground until it was safe to fly. My poor parents! Due to the late arrival, all the kids went to their house. My father and nephew had to leave for Boy Scout Camp at 4AM, so I'm sure they've had a tough day. I managed to get up there by 8:30. S was so happy to see me, but Trinks didn't notice I was there for the first 20 minutes.

My mom was in charge of separating the 5 kids' clothes and I handled the 800 picture download. The load to Shutterfly went through while we were at breakfast and the Walgreens upload finished by the time I arrived back in DE. I also put the pictures on a flash drive. Mom - do you think you can format the memory stick yet?????

The kids really had a great time. It was nice to see they were all still getting along well. Trinks says she won't eat pizza for a month (they had pizza every night), but S would like some tonight. Tough. It's bacon cheese turkey bugers.

1 comment:

Nothing Knew said...

Glad to hear that everyone is back safe and happy.