Sunday, June 22, 2008

Disney and movies

The kids are having a blast in Disney and my parents sound pretty good. S loves every ride and expresses his happiness regularly. So far, everyone is behaving beautifully. I talked to both kids last night and they are still happy and don't miss us at all. Of course they were eating ice cream at the time, and who can be sad while having dessert?

Hubby and I had our whirlwind day yesterday. I LOVED Indiana Jones. Yes, the plot was out there. Yes, he's getting old. BUT, it was what I was looking for. A bit more expensive than I expected - $8 for a MATINEE? - but it was worth it.

My next movie pick comes out next month - Kit Kittredge. Trinks and I read the series last year and loved it. I am a huge fan of all of the American Girl stories. My favorite book series is Molly, who lived during WWII. I passionately dislike what they did in the Molly movie. They could have focused on Molly's summer camp and the positive messages in keep trying when you don't think you can do it. Nope, they turned Molly into a whining child with the world against her. From what I have seen so far, Kit hasn't suffered the same fate. The family does take in some more interesting boarders than I remember, though.

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