Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oh Crap!

Yes, today both my kids used the word "crap". While it was entirely appropriate, it was still in public and in front of my parents. I won't pretend I never say it - almost daily I call the toys they leave out CRAP. S picked out something in the Thomas gift store (more on Day out with Thomas later) and Trinks looked at it and told him it was a piece of crap. It truly was crap and I probably would have called it crap, but Trinks beat me to it. Then, we left dinner and attempted to get in the car before the skies opened up. S was a little slow climbing into the way back of my parent's Odyssey. I told him to hurry and he told me he was tripping on crap. Again, very appropriate because my dad left the NY Times sprawled between the middle seats. What made it funnier was he sat down and sang "crap, crap crap" for a minute. Oh my - bad mommy moment!

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