Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I hate packing. Absolutely, passionately despise packing. Unpacking - piece of cake. Shove suitcase contents in 2-3 baskets and wash clothes. Easy. Packing requires a thought process I do not have. I have to anticipate what we would need for all weather, moods and occasions. How the flip can I think that way? And I hate having too much stuff with me because then I have to schlep it around. These days I just plain hate stuff. I want to have the PERFECT amount of clothes, toys, electronics, and books. I want everything to be precisely packed so I know what I am wearing which day and I want it to look clean and ironed - although I don't iron. I do know how and I do it well. I just am really smart and no longer buy clothes that need to be ironed.

So, why am I stressing about packing? By tomorrow night I have to have everything packed for the kids' trip to Disney. This is a huge thing because all 5 cousins will be with my parents. My dad doesn't give a hoot what the kids wear as long as they don't violate local decency laws. My mother, on the other hand, really loves matching outfits and tons of gadgets to create the perfect vacation. Good for her. Leave me out of it. I am so stressed out right now that I cannot locate the precise tiara she asked for. Or the Mickey Mouse baseball cap. I have one night to pull it together. Ugh!

Once I finish stressing over Disney, I have to start stressing over Italy. Che cavolo! Porco vacca! Great. Now I am learning to swear in Italian. It's amazing what you can learn when you google "how do you say shit in Italian?" Please note this website is NOT work safe. Funny as hell, but not appropriate for work.

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