Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fighting my enemy - again

I don't know why my mother is not allergic to poison ivy and I am. I don't know why I continue to pull weeds where I know there is poison ivy. Ok - that one I know. No one else will do it and I feel that "this time" I won't get a reaction. I know how stupid that sounds. So I am popping benadryl and Zantac. Yes, I know Zantac is for stomach issues, but it is also a histamine blocker. Thankfully I found the generic of it, so it's not going to break the bank. I am also slathering my arms with alcohol (purell). Someone forwarded me uses of vodka (nope - I won't check it out on Snopes because I don't care if it's true) and hubby won't let me use the Absolut. My goal is to not be on prednisone for my vacation. Wish me luck!!!!


Nothing Knew said...

Don't waste the Absolut. Mythbusters destroyed this one a while ago.

BTW, I'm not allergic (last time I checked) either. One of my Dad's favorite stories was about his cousin asking him to dare him (the cousin) to eat poison ivy. So the cousin did it. No problems (other than he's a scary crazy man now).

I'm not testing my tolerance to that level.

But just use the chemicals that they've worked up to combat this problem. Seriously there are tons of them online (Tecnu is one I think The Wife used before)

And next time think about applying a blocker before attacking the weed.

Not everything sold in a health food store/read online really works.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Bite me.


A Pocket Full of Posey said...

ok - that wasn't nice of me. I did see the episode of Myth Busters that dealt with this. I knew there was probably no way vodka would work, but I think I was doing it wrong - I needed to take a few shots as well. And the Absolut has been in the freezer since we moved - do the math. It boils down to this: I just like the way the alcohol cools down my skin. I stop itching immediately.