Thursday, May 1, 2008

I am a techno geek wannabee

When I got my iPod for Christmas, I impressed myself by loading over 6,000 songs onto it. It had 80 GB, so I had plenty of room. I now have every picture I ever took on my digital camera (the good, bad and ugly, too) stored on this, as well as numerous podcasts. I love podcasts because they make me feel I am learning something. I probably won't retain much of it, but the Princeton Review word of the day songs are too funny to miss. Once I mastered the iPod, I moved on to digital frames and loading my sister's kids MP3 players. I turned to online banking and paid all my bills on the computer. I guess it is no surprise that I am trying to blog. I know just enough to be dangerous. I think this whole random paragraph is an apology to Nothing Knew for screwing up his simple directions to link blogs. Why do I have two blogrolls? No idea. Why aren't they located the way I intended them? No idea.

But to further my techno geekness, we got a GPS yesterday. Why 2 people who sometimes fear technology have a GPS is beyond me, but it is really fun to piss of the lady when we don't do what she says. It sounds like she is going to shove her hand through the screen and strangle us. It was amusing to set the directions for work then take off for daycare. We are simple people who are amused rather easily. I totalled our gas bill for last month and it was $310, so I don't think we are going anywhere. We live 10 minutes from work and carpool 4 out of 5 days, so I really don't see why we consumed so much gas. It must be all the trips to the parents in NJ.

I am sure I am going to lose my 2 readers because I can't think of interesting topics. Maybe I'll let Hortense have a spin to liven things up.


Nothing Knew said...

1. Two blogrolls mean two page elements that are named blogroll. Open the top one, copy the link inside, 'remove page element'. Then open the next one, paste the link in there. Save. Now one blogroll.

2. I find it very funny when non-techies think that having an iPod, a GPS, and a blog makes them, in any way, techie. I have seven computers in the house (5 of them working at this time) and I don't consider myself a techie. But I guess things are relative. I don't mess with plumbing so does that make me afraid of plumbing?

3. You posted about too much in a single post. Think about a topic and post on that topic. This one could have been about the GPS, the lack of technical knowledge, etc. It still fit together well, and was a good post to introduce yourself to the world, but it was rambling (like this sentence).

BTW, when you mention things like the GPS, link to the GPS you bought. When you talk about a podcast you like, link to the podcast. That way your readers don't have to go looking for the podcast.

It's going great. Stop thinking about what to write and start writing. You are constantly writing emails to my wife...there has to be something in there you can use (that won't get either of us in trouble)

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

The joke is I know I'm not a techie - I'm just a wannabe. I'll play with this tonight. I was impressed I could get the 3 Day thing to work.

Thanks for all your advice!!!