Monday, May 19, 2008

1,000 miles

I hit a milestone last week, but in my rush to get to NJ, I never noticed it. I have walked over 1,000 miles since I started tracking my miles in 2006. To put that in perspective, it is 1098 miles to Key West from my house. I AM ALMOST THERE!!!! If I get in all my training miles, I will hit another 600 by the end of October.

I average about 5 miles a few times a week. The challenge comes when I have to do the longer training walks. The mileage isn't the problem - finding the time to walk 10-15 miles is. When I start that again, I'll be back to dragging my tired self out of bed at 5 to meet my walking partner for several hours of walking and chatting. Then I get to go home just as the rest of the family is getting ready to start their day.

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