Sunday, May 25, 2008

A car in the garage

There is a car in my garage. Really. I swear. It's the Accord, not the Odyssey, but we can use 1/2 of the garage for it's original purpose again. It's been 4 years since we had a car in the garage. When my in-laws moved, we took some of their stuff and then could no longer park in the garage.

Around noon, I decided to go out and sort through a few things in the garage. It is now 7:12 (ignore the time stamp - it's always wrong) and 1/2 of the garage is clear. The Odyssey is packed with junk to donate and there are 5 black garbage bags surrounding the overflowing extra large trash can. The kids rediscovered old toys that they still can use and decided to pitch ones that they no longer like. Hubby ran errands, brought back donuts and helped put things back in order, especially the last hour when it felt like my back would just go completely out. I think he likes having a place for his golf and fishing stuff. He's even taking all the junk to Goodwill tomorrow. Is there still a ton of crap in the garage? You bet. But by winter, I may have the van in the other side. I can dream, right?

1 comment:

Quadro said...

I applaud your abilities! We only have a one-car garage (until we decide to move or build an addition), so given the level of stuff piling up, it will be quite some time before we can use it to park a car. . .