Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cheap coffee

In these uncertain times, we all must make great sacrifices. I made the ultimate sacrifice last night. I bought cheap coffee instead of Starbucks. I am saving $5 per coffee container and it really doesn't taste that bad. This may save me about $10-$15 per month. Small savings, but it's the small things that eventually add up.

My big concern is that I work for a BFC (Big Financial Company) and during tough times, there are massive layoffs and miserly raises. If I can find ways to make small cuts now, we should be able to weather this storm. I have started researching ways to save at the Dollar Stretcher. Here's a great way to get lattes for half price at the coffee bars.

Besides switching to cheap coffee, I save money by not buying coffee at work. I have been brewing my own at work. I keep the coffee and #2 filters in my desk. I just pop the filter in my brewbasket, pour hot water over it and viola! A fresh cup of coffee at a fraction of what the horrible work coffee shop charges. And, it's hot.

1 comment:

LRNs said...

I buy my coffee at Costco. They have fair-trade in bulk. It's actually a "Starbucks" blend.

Also, I figured out that I can take my loose change to the coin-star at the grocery store and use it to fill my starbucks card. There's no fee for using the machine if you get (or charge) a gift card. It's great. I always seem to have extra change lying around. I only use it as a treat, so the card has lasted for over 6 months.