Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No fear of water

I have a six year old who has a healthy fear of the water and a three year old who thinks he can swim. On a whim, I brought our bathing suits to Philly when we stayed over. It was a great idea and we had time for two swim sessions. I needed a break from the constant clutching of little hands, so I put S on the wall to kick and I floated an arm's length away. He left the wall to grab my toe and learned my toe can't help him. Down he went, to the bottom of the pool. At that point, we figured it was time to go order dinner.

On Sunday, we walked in the Mother's Day Race for the cure. Or I should say, I walked and the kids rode in the wagon. It was a nice warm day and we had a nice time. When it was over, we went back to the hotel, packed up and headed to the pool. This time S was on my back and I was carting him across the pool. In the middle of the pool, he decided he wanted to go back. let go and again went to the bottom of the pool. At that point, I decided to head back to DE.

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