I received my results, but I am confused. I don't understand what benign calcifications mean. Are they lucent? Popcorn? egg shell? group? cluster? linear? And how do I know that it's not Ductal Carcinoma in situ? In short, how do you know this is benign?
I didn't mean to be rude, but am I really supposed to be reassured by someone who can't tell me why I'm fine? So the tech called me back and advised it's milk in calcium and the calcifications are in my skin. I feel better. And she made the dr read the films again - I guess they don't write down the type of calcification if it's in the benign range. And I will schedule next year's as soon as they send the reminder.
So my advice to anyone undergoing medical tests - question everything until you are comfortable.
I'm glad to hear the results were good. What is it with the medical community's inability to clearly explain things?
I honestly think they thought they were doing an adequate job by telling me it was benign. Unfortunately, I have learned too much over the last 2 years to accept that as an answer!!!
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