Thursday, August 28, 2008

Will bleed for Oreos

Today was the annual Blood Mobile event at the BFC. The lovely people from the Blood Bank came to our campus and took our blood. As usual, I was destined to be the problem child. Lately, my hemoglobin in my left had has been lower than my right. I found this out when I failed the left and they asked if I wanted my right hand to be tested. Although I find the finger sticks to be worse than the needle, I agreed and discovered this weird hemoglobin thing. Today I thought I would beat the system and start with my right hand - ha! It was 12.4. I held up my left hand and it was a 12.8. Very strange.

So with 2 sore fingers, I walked over to the lounge chairs. The lovely woman who felt for my vein, loved the vein, but was terrified it would roll. I almost started singing Roly Poly Oly, but refrained since that is by far one of the most annoying songs I know. At least I only saw the show once. So rolling veins are nothing new to me because they are the reason I can't give platelets. I waited for a supervisor to come stab me, bled really fast and made it to the Oreo table. Nothing tastes better than Oreos and Nutter Butters after giving blood. Now I just need to remember to make an appointment for 8 weeks from now, so I can have some more fun.

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