Saturday, August 2, 2008

Me vs GPS

I stop short of calling the GPS a worthless piece of crap. I realize it is not the GPS that causes the problems, but people who follow the darn thing blindly that cause the problems. I have huge issues with blind faith, but that's a different blog entry. I set the GPS for the Expo in KOP. Because I am a map person, I also Mapquested it. There were two different directions. Fine. I can deal with that. My problem was the GPS yelled at me everytime I didn't take her moronic advice to cut through sketchy parts of Wilmington and Chester. I refuse to go down 202 - too many strip malls and traffic light. Route 30 - same deal. I stopped counting at 12 "recalculating" messages. Yes, Nothing Knew, it is set for highways.

So what have I learned from all of this? I know more than the GPS for local places. I will defer to it's "wisdom" when we are out of the area and I won't know that it is taking me on a route 15 minutes longer than the one I already know. And I will never remove my maps from the car.


Nothing Knew said...

Jesus Lady, it has volume control!

Hell the thing always wants us to go straight down Broad Street to get to the south bridges in Philly. Just turn off the volume until you get past that section of road.

BTW, Mapquest sucks. Use Google Maps.

Also, Mocha Frap sounds like a porn star (or at least a stripper) come up with something else.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

I just felt completely insulted that the GPS wanted to take me a way that was 15 minutes longer. I blasted the music to drown her out.

Tell your wife to come up with a better name!!!!!!

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

And I just checked my printed directions and it was Google Maps. It was very sensible. 95, 495, Blue Route, 76, 202 for 2 miles. Very nice.