Saturday, August 30, 2008

The best daycare

We have the best daycare. I love the programs that they come up with, the fact that they serve hot lunches, and I love how hands on the owner is. We moved Trinks there when she was 3 because she was rapidy getting close to the intelligence of the teachers at her old school. For some reason we didn't have to go on their usual long wait list - a space was immediately available. From that day, I was in love with the school. Trinks did kindergarten there and I loved it even more.

Ms. Lin has gone out of her way to make sure that the programs stay true to her vision - great early childhood education at affordable proces. I was holding my breath this last week because all of the surrounding daycares increased their prices to outrageous. Outrageous in DE in dirt cheap in the surrounding areas, but increases are just not in the budget. On Thursday, S came home with a note. Ms. Lin has decided to keep the prices the same, however, she asked us to pitch in with supplies and toy/book donations. She has also decided it wouldn't be kind to sell pizzas and cookie dough in these times, so there will be no fundraiser this year.

So today, I boxed up a bunch of stuff the kids no longer play with and I will send it into school on Tuesday. It fits in with my Farewell to Crap tour. I'm happy to do something so simple to help out a wonderful person.

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