Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Three year olds are funny

S seems to have comedy mastered. One night hubby and I were in the kitchen kissing. S comes in the room, yells to his sister, "Hey Trinks, look! They're MARRYING"

Then last night I talked to the kids on the phone. They are at the beach (yes, I am from Jersey, but it is NOT the shore) this week. S gets on the phone and won't even say hi. All he tells me is I can't come pick him up because he is not ready to leave. He even explains that the hotel is really far away so I can't come and get him. I guess it's better than him being homesick.

I do miss the kids. The house is so quiet! But, I can get up and workout for a long time and not care about when I get to work. If I get there late, who cares? I can stay late without worrying about daycare penalties.

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