Sunday, August 24, 2008

Caretaker of Crap

That is the title I gave myself today as I sorted through clothes with Trinks. After cleaning out her dresser to see if she needed anything for back to school, I counted 50 T-shirts. Who the hell needs 50 T-shirts? And she has about 10 pair of pants. Not pants and shorts and skirts. Just pants. So, it was a good find for the budget. No back to school shopping for her. And no new clothes are allowed in the house until winter. Period. I don't care how cute it is or how cheap it was. I don't need any more crap in my house.

Hubby did the same thing for S, but I didn't count how much was left. I was too depressed about Trinks stuff. We just don't need this much stuff. I do laundry almost every day, so it's not a matter of not having enough clean stuff. I keep up with the laundry and then no one can stuff things in their drawers.

And then I got to thinking about the bigger picture. I am always stressed about the house and keeping it clean. There is no place to put things because we have too much crap. The kids clothes get passed along, looking like new because they never wear anything long enough to wear it out. The kids don't really have favorite toys because they have too many to choose from. They know they aren't allowed to bring new toys in the house until they get rid of the same amount of stuff. I still have toys Trinks won a couple of weeks ago because she hasn't cared enough about them to make a home for them. I give it 2 more weeks before they end up at Goodwill.

This is no way to live. It's not living. It's being a slave to things instead of spending time with the family. I have been steadily decluttering for a while, but it's time to step up the pace. I plan to evict this crap from my house so I can have my life back. And I won't buy stuff to replace it. That part I've been better about, but I need to get rid of this junk.

1 comment:

LRNs said...

It's really hard to get rid of stuff. I made it a personal mission to "simplify" our lives 2 years ago. We've been doing it, but it takes time. If you haven't used something for over 2 years, you probably don't need it.

You can totally do it if you want.