Sunday, May 10, 2009

My best mother's day

In stark contrast to last year when I almost killed my son twice, this year rocked. I skipped the Race for the Cure this year to spend time with my grandmother yesterday (more on my vacation to De Nial at some point). After the funeral for my cousins' grandmother, I went up to visit my grandmother in the hospital. She was in decent spirits, has a lousy view and got cranky when you took away her ice chips. After the visit, I picked up the various pieces of dinner and headed back to my parents'. I didn't make it back to DE until 10:30. I had a shot of vodka - and then passed out.

This morning, I rolled over, squinted at the clock while holding my throbbing head and screamed when I saw it was 9AM. The kids never even made noise when they got up. So I called them up and they got together with hubby to bring me breakfast. Trinks gave me my presents - a bunch of pictures, and a homemade book. She even drew a picture of the two of us watching the Simpsons together. It was really nice. My headache was from lack of caffeine, so I eventually got out of be to make some coffee - never let non coffee drinkers make coffee is a rule I adhere to. Then I dragged everyone outside for a day of weeding and yard work. At one point I realized I was all alone with my iPod and caught the three of them inside watching TV. But then they left and took the car to be washed, pick up some veggie plants and go grocery shopping for the week. I had three lovely hours ALONE before they came home and hubs grilled bratwurst. We watched America's Funniest Videos, read books and put them in bed. They must have been tired since we haven't seen Trinks at all. She usually springs out of bed several times before we have to threaten her. It'll be fun if she continues her sleep walking tonight. She walks in our room crying between 1 and 3, talks to us and tells us she loves us, then goes back to bed.

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