Monday, May 11, 2009

To Mohawk or not

S wants a Mohawk. Hubby refuses to consider it. To me, it's just hair. It's easy to get rid of. So, hubs wants people to comment on what they would do, especially Mets Fan. If you don't know how to comment, send me an e-mail.


Nothing Knew said...

I am sure I have some old pics of my brother when he had a mohawk as a senior in high school (football team thing).

He looked like a douche.

My opinion is no....but remember denying them now might lead to all types of rebellion later (tats, piercings, and crazy hair).

Of course, at 4.5 I don't think they should be picking clothing without some input much less deciding radical hairstyle changes.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

I sent both my kids to school in shorts today. I know they have my name on a list at school.

I was thinking of letting S have his Mohawk for a week and then evening it out. I never expected hubby to be to horrifically negative about this. S doesn't ask for much, and a simple haircut seems pretty tame. Trinks has had 100% control over her haircut since she was this age, so I really don't understand the difference. It seems like a double standard.

Anonymous said...

Has S said why he wants a mohawk? Also, when he asks for something, does he usually stick with it or change his mind?

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Two friends got one, and he was fascinated. I figure we can do it ourselves, and then just fix it if he gets bored. We have the trimmer, so I don't know why hubs is such a stick in the mud!

Nothing Knew said...

I am sitting in Little Gym and the almost-a-trailer-park mom just walked in with her expanding brood (4 and counting...I think she might be pregnant again).

And the oldest boy (~4-years-old) has a mohawk.

THAT is the reason to not let your young son get a mohawk. It says more about you and your parenting than about the child themselves.

This kid has juvenile delinquent written all over him...and a fear for the lives of the younger little girls.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Ummmmm.... ok. Not too judgemental. It's just hair.

Nothing Knew said...

You asked...I answered.

I'm with your husband on this one.