Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not hives

Can you believe it? I don't have hives! I have erythema multiforme (EM). There's really nothing they can do for me unless I am in respiratory distress. The dr did give me 60 mgs of prednisone and I was back from the ER in an hour. I still itch and I slept on the couch clutching a bag of frozen green beans.


Nothing Knew said...

So you aren't contagious and you are on steroids? And unless you stop breathing everything will be fine in a couple weeks.

Maybe you are not allergic to Poison Ivy? Maybe it is just genetic?

How long on the drugs?

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

I'm not officially on steroids. I was given one dose and told to see my regular dr. So I'll see what my primary says at 11:15.

I am allergic to poison ivy, but this is completely separate. I've had hive issues throughout my life. I need to find a competent allergist. My current one is a moron. He should just stick to asthma.

Nothing Knew said...

The Wife likes her's in PA. Perhaps you should drive up here. ;-)

Good luck at the appointment. We're still waiting for Little Sister to get out of surgery.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it's gotten this bad and painful! I hope you got good news at the dr. this a.m. and that Trinks is feeling better, too.