Monday, March 23, 2009

School project

Why do teachers insist on making the parents do reports? Trinks has to write about her heritage and customs and ancestors. First, she left the paper explaining the project at school for a week. Then the instructions are annoyingly vague, with absolutely no guidance. I know other kids parents are writing the report for their kids, but we made Trinks write hers. I think the facts are roughly accurate. No grandparent is going to read this trash, so I think we are safe with our half truths and possibly wrong facts. So I was VERY happy when the teacher gave me permission to type the paper. It's due on Wednesday and I just need to finish arranging the pictures to accompany the report. I learned my lesson with dioramas last year. Teachers don't really want kids to do their own project. Trinks did an awesome job, but her 6 year old abilities were criticized. I guess we're expected to carve crap out of wood or make everything perfect. I have no patience for that. I already got through grade school. I have no desire to do all that stuff over again.

1 comment:

Kathi Twohig Hamelin said...

I ask you, whose homework is it really? The "Family Constitution", the "Charles Dickens Christmas Village House", the "Simple Machine"..... It's certainly not our second grader's project, it's the parent's project. It's frigtening to think I need to pass second grade again, only this time I'm in my 40's!!!!!