Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I spoke to the people who are holding my laptop for ransom. FedEx promises it will be released today when they get my signature from the doortag. I can't believe I missed the guy by 20 minutes!!! I doubt I will set it up today because I am going out with Kathi tonight. But, I am thrilled that it was released by Evil Dell. I think I'll get a Mac next time.


LRNs said...

You have the worst luck. We've bought so many Dells over the years. Every delivery has been exceptionally smooth. Slick and I each got a new desktop last year. They both arrived before the delivery date.

Really sorry you're going through all this. I still recommend Dell.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

The delivery was the best part. I have NO issues with FedEx. I called them to see if I could pick it up that night and the only option was a fee. They delivered with no problems yesterday and I set it up at lunch, played solitare, spider solitare and chuzzle last night. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!

I love Dell computers. It's their service monkeys I can't deal with.