Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sweet Sanity

I am about to leave for four whole days in my favorite city, Chicago. Although I will be in a tax conference for 8 hours each day, I am really looking forward to some ME time. Don't get me wrong. I love my family and I will miss them desperately, but it is nice to have no responsibilities for a little while. And I know that all the important things will be handled while I'm gone, so I don't even worry about it. The only thing I have to worry about is where I am dining each night.

In another month and a half, I may even get to go on a midwest tour, including Houston, Chicago and NYC. I know NYC isn't part of the midwest, but it will be included. And if it's scheduled when I am told it will be, I will have to vote on paper again. Wa-hooooo!!!!

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