Friday, April 24, 2009

Poison Ivy

Yes, I know what it looks like. No, I'm not stupid. Yes, I am stubborn and thick headed. I want the damn stuff out of my yard!!! Hubby won't help me get it out of the yard because he might get a reaction. F that! He should suffer with me!!!! So since all my attempts to get the non allergic people to come help me have failed, I am stuck with getting this mess out of my yard alone.

So this time I decided to see how long I can take the itch. The last outbreak last year lasted longer than the steroids, leaving me to question if the steroids actually work, or if I should just wait the 3 weeks for all of the poison ivy to finish it's dastardly deeds. I turned down my first opportunity for steroids. I have 2 weeks left. And boy am I itchy! It's on my legs, belly and arms. I am now on my second glass of wine and I will finish the bottle before I go to bed.

And nope - haven't learned a damn thing from this.


Nothing Knew said...

I have never had a request nor an offer of reward for assistance in removing poison ivy from your yard.

Hell I don't even know what it looks likes myself...since I wasn't allergic 10 years ago when I last was exposed.

Of course, I've found myself allergic to many things since then, so who knows.

Anyway, here are some Ask.MetaFilter links about Poison Ivy 'cures'.


LRNs said...

I don't understand? You don't have protective clothing? You don't use rubber gloves to remove all the cothing (including the shoes) and then bathe immediately?

Or better yet...

*Gasp* pay someone to remove the stuff?

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Nothing Knew - completely forgot you aren't allergic. Come on down!! I checked out some cures last night and have a post ready to go about my success. I'll see if this has anything new.

LRNs - I have protective gear and used it. Yes I bathe after. I am SUPER allergic to it.