Sunday, April 19, 2009

An umbrella

Hubby wants an umbrella for his birthday. Sounds simple, right? If you answered yes, then there is no chance in hell you have ever shopped for sunglasses with this man. Absolutely impossible! I spent a long time reviewing items at various online stores, while he played Goldilocks - too big, don't want the hook handle, a flower - are you serious? All this from a man who steals my Winnie the Pooh umbrella with no shame. I have a feeling we will go to the mall together, again and again and again. Why can't he want Rock Band 2? I offered to buy it for him and he said it was too much. By the time I finish scouring the whole freaking world for the perfect umbrella, shelling out the money for the game will be a fantasy.


LRNs said...

There are very few things I am certain of in life...

One of them is that the man who used to drum on the steering wheel of that old Nissan (alternating between his "clear" motion and the "no brakes" gag) MUST have Rock Band 2.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Used to?? Try continuously in both Hondas. And he hits the horn accidently during the flurry of drumming. Still can't convince him he needs this. Maybe I should tell him to think of the children!

LRNs said...

I think my cell phone takes short videos. Should I make one of the wife drumming & send it to you?