Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And the rain rain rain came down down down

And if you aren't familiar with the original Winnie the Pooh movie, you have no idea what I am talking about. So my day was very productive, running around in the rain. I pumped gas, got on the road and met Trinks and my mom at the hospital. Although the scheduler assured me that they NEVER ran behind, we waited 1.5 hours to see the f-ing dr. Don't get me wrong - I know specialists run late all the time and you are supposed to accept it because they know you need to be there. I strenuously object to the scheduler lying to me.

The dr and the students were great. They put Trinks through a bunch of tests and explained she's probably just growing incredibly fast and things haven't caught up with each other yet. She's 4'4" right now. She had to do some neurological tests because she's asymmetrical - both her left leg and left arm have issues when she walks and runs. So that's when the fun began. Hubs figured everything everything was under control and went back to work. The X-ray person informed me AETNA would not cover X-Rays at the hospital. AETNA sucks! They don't cover logical things, and I could go on and on about the substandard service we have to use because we have those assholes, but I will leave that for another post. So we piled in my mom's car, headed down the street to the place AETNA would cover and got X-Rays. By the time we returned to the hospital, the office was closed. So tomorrow I'll figure out what to do. At least the people in the X-ray lab were great and printed a picture for Trinks to keep. I expected the pictures on a cd, but I guess that was expecting too much.

So, Trinks is back in NJ enjoying dinner at Europa. I am exhausted, but happy to know her leg seems .

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