Saturday, August 1, 2009


It's no secret I love my car. I've had it for 1.5 years and still love it as much as I did the first day I got it. I completely freaked out when hubs called from Honda to tell me that the mechanic who was changing the oil and rotating the tires ripped off the passenger side mirror. I just about fainted.

When I came to my senses, I asked to talk to the manager. He was ready to release my car to me so I could drive it until the mirror arrives.! So we are getting a loaner. Of course I can't let it be without adequate compensation. So I asked for more and arranged for Honda to bring me my car when it's fixed. I am not wasting my lunch hour or time with the kids next week because they broke my car. I think the manager thought I would ask for a couple hundred dollars and was happy to settle with delivery. At least we have a van. We're going to see the Mumbles in Philly tonight and I really wasn't into bringing my own car.

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