Saturday, August 8, 2009


After S was diagnosed with his nut allergy, I had a melt down. I was looking at his Epi Pen, my antihistimines, and Trinks' asthma medicine. I freaked out. I don't want to need this stuff. I don't want to worry about S going into anaphalactic shock every time he leaves the house. Nuts are in EVERYTHING. Barbecue sauce, chocolate, various ethnic dishes, cosmetics, etc. Even trace amounts left from cross contamination is in everything.

So I did what I do when I need to learn everything about the enemy. I went to the library. I read The Complete Allergy Book, by Dr. Kevin Kwong. It's a brilliant book that makes alleries simple for regular people. It explains the different categories of medicines, so I understand why I use Atarax (or zyrtec or benadryl) for hive, but use nasonex for other allergies. It was a great introduction to Western medicine's treatment of allergies. But I wanted more. I want a CURE.

The next book I got out is changing my life. Allergies: Diseases in Disguise gave a theory on why allergies are on on the rise. It has to do with eating the same 15 foods and overuse of antibiotics. I don't like taking antibiotics because I get bad side effects, but I know they are necessary. Trinks was on antibiotics for most of her childhood while I sat cringing, begging the dr to find something else. Antibiotics kill off the bad bacteria in the intestines, but take the good ones out, too. That sets the body up for an over abundance of yeast in the gut. The yeast gets out of control and causes the body to attack itself. There is a simple 4-6 week program listed in this book to help take back your body. The way I see it, it can't hurt. None of the suggestions will cause any harm, and eating more raw, healthy food is good, whether or not it helps with allergies. I started this phase this week and I saw instant results. I'm moving on to adding a few more things this week, but so far, it's not hard and I feel better than I have felt in a year.

But even though I think this theory has merit, I took out a book on yeast to get more information. The Yeast Connection deals with more than just allergies, and is the first book to reference a cure for urticaria. Urticaria is hives for no reason and it drives me crazy. It also lists vague aches, pains and things a dr can't really diagnose as linked to yeast overgrowth. Heck, he has a list of diseases either caused or exacerbated by yeast. I think this theory has merit. I also think there is hope for controlling allergies naturally. I look forward to seeing how the next few weeks go. I also have a ton more books to get out of the library.

And disclaimer - I am NOT stopping any allergy or asthma medicine. In fact, I am picking up my inhaler today. I think western and natural medicine belong together. Right now western medicine isn't doing it for me and I can't find a natural allergist.

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