Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eagles - GO TO HELL!!!

May the Eagles lose every fucking game they play this year. And hopefully someone will smear dog shit all over Vick's front door.

Hubs is even confused about why the Eagles took this ass. I am tempted to ban the showing of games in the house. But football is hubs' life and I don't want to punish him for his team making poor choices.


LRNs said...

I love the Iggles, but I'm really in a quandary. There are both moral & football questions to deal with...

Hasn't Vick paid his debt to society? Should we tell him that he can't earn money anymore? Should we force the Eagles or any team to not hire him? What about forgiveness & mercy?

And why the hell do we need another quarterback? Are they going to turn him into the backup? A wide receiver? Are they saying that they don't have faith in their draft pick QB of the future? Are they saying they don't have confidence in McNabb?

Anonymous said...

Gotta agree with Posey. For better or worse, athletes are looked to as role models and this guy doesn't deserve this job. I think the Eagles had poor judgment to pick Vick and make me question their motives in bringing him on. I'm not what you call a "fan", but I like to cheer on my hometown teams and am generally proud of them. There is nothing to be proud of the Eagles for with this move.