Sunday, February 21, 2010

Catching up

This has been a great weekend to catch up on things. Friday night S headed over to Parents Night Out and Trinks worked a cookie booth. I ran them around, met up with hubs and ordered Chinese food for a quiet night in. Trinks decided she wanted to stay with the booth and never made it to PNO. Hubs and I enjoyed a nice evening of watching Olympics with no whining.

The kids left for Bubbe's house Saturday morning. Hubs and I went to the farmer's market and then hit Home Depot. I finally have a light in my room! S broke the light several months ago and we never seemed to have time to replace it. Our door handle to the front door is just about broken, so we'll replace that today. I hate the dryer vent tube, so we got another that will be easier to clean.

I think the best thing I did was clean out the silverware drawer. I don't think I've done that since we moved in. Hubs tends to leave the drawer open, so crumbs from the counter drop in. It was so dirty I had to vacuum the drawer. In the pile of crumbs was a pill he used to take when he was battling Ulcerative Colitis. It made me pause. For years, we couldn't plan anything without worrying about how he would feel. He would be fine for a while and then it would flare up again. Hubs was reluctant to share how he was feeling, so I never knew if it was back again. The last flare up lasted just under a year before his surgery cured him forever. He has been cured for over 5 years, and it still humbles me. We are free! I never worry about anything as we plan a vacation. I don't have to worry that he's not going to tell me if he's sick - we had a massive fight years ago that got rid of that. Plus the worst that happens these days is he gets a cold. It made me realize how truly blessed we are. Ahhhh - what a great weekend!!