Sunday, June 28, 2009

Real Men wear pink or nothing at all

I had the pleasure of walking with an every day hero today. I also had the pleasure of seeing this man naked. It was tastefully done, of course. I am talking about the 60-Mile Men.

I walked with Mr. August. His wife is a 23 year survivor. She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. One dr. told her to get her affairs in order. The next dr. told her she had a 5% chance of survival with a new protocal. She survived. He walks and poses nude to raise even more money. Last year the 60-mile men raise $20,000 on calendars. Incredibly, they each still have to raise their $2,300 for each walk they enter. The $20,000 is dispensed to each member based on how many calendars they sell. They are issued checks made out to the 3 Day and hand them out to people who are having a hard time with the fundraising.

I wasn't able to get my signed calendar today, but I think I'll head on over to his store and get that, and maybe a T-shirt saying, "If you are going to stare at them, give me money to keep them healthy."

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