Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wii playing, trash talking four year old

My dear, darling son has picked up Wii playing rather quickly. When he pays attention, he is a darn good bowler. This weekend, he got a little bored, went up the stairs to the kitchen at Nothing Knew's house. When it was his turn, he stood at the top of the stairs and bowled from there. Rather creative. He has also taken to bowling from the couch, which really defeats the purpose of having a Wii.

But, the funniest thing happened this morning. I heard him tell Trinks he was going to kick her ass. For some reason, he is a natural trash talker. At the NYE party, he was talking trash to a three year old. Hubby and I don't talk trash, so I'm not sure where he picked this up. I think the harshest thing we've said is - I'll beat you like a rented mule. We are working on teaching appropriate sportsmanship. In the mean time, I will choke back my laugh and give S a stern lecture.

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