Saturday, January 24, 2009

My parents are crazy

My boy is ready for vacation. Switching classes and starting kung fu has been tough on the lad. My parents are DRIVING to FL with the Divine Miss Em and S. This is the last January vacation for these lucky four year olds! Next year is real school. Since they are cousins, not siblings, it's pretty peaceful for my parents. My mom is armed with three (?) DVD players. I spoke with my dad when they were in NC and only one was functioning. I guess that explains why they have so many.

Dad looks good - depsite wanting to leave NJ at 3 AM and settling for 7. Left to him, it would be a straight shot drive. I remember when my sister and I were little and my parents drove us all over the country in a VW bus. Every February, we would head down to the Keys. One year, they were crazy enough to drive across the country. I think I was 2 1/2 and my sister was just a year older. Yup - this craziness is nothing new for my parents. At least their current car (a 2000 Honda Odyssey, which I suggested they buy since they torture cars) has AC and a radio - the old VW had neither. The Odyssey would have an iPod attachment if I could just get away and install it, as well as add the rest of their cds to the iPod.

So Bon Voyage to this crew! Can't wait to hear about the adventures.

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