Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh God yes!

I was feeling the effects of not getting books out of the library today. So, I ran to the grocery store and got out in record time so I could browse the library shelves before I had to return to work. I left with six books. Three were good old fashioned trash books - random cheesy cop thrillers. Then I picked up three finance books. My goal is to read as many finance books as possible this year. They will all have one useful thing. So I am in book heaven and having a hard time picking a book. I started The Millionaire next door earlier this week (borrowed from my dad years ago), but I think I will turn that over in favor of a trash book. I need to erase today from my brain.

1 comment:

Nothing Knew said...

Thought you'd be interested in this if you haven't seen it yet.

Suze Orman - 2009 Action Plan (Free)