Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 2 update

I've been very busy lately. Work is insane, but it always is in January. I've had a bit more energy, so I've been more productive when I get home. A lot of my free time is spent in the kitchen chopping, cutting, and portioning meals and snacks. The drawback of eating ingredients, as Trinks calls them, is there is nothing to just grab in a time crunch. We had a meal foul up this week and it was a struggle to find something to replace it. I'm still on board because I am down 16 pounds and love eating this way. Go me!

I've noticed a few things during these two weeks. I love cabbage. I really love cabbage. As a kid, I hated cabbage in all forms. Several years ago I decided to add purple cabbage to my salad because it looks pretty. Still hated it, but knew it was healthy so I added it. Now I love it. I love it sauteed, in soup, in cole slaw (without mayo - ick poo), raw - any form at all. I like green and purple. So this week, my veggie soup is chock full of cabbage and I made some slaw with sesame oil (heavenly) and rice vinegar with salt, pepper and garlic. I've also noticed that pretty much everyone likes what I make for dinner. No, I did not force my curried cauliflower down anyone's throat, but the regular meals are pretty darn good. I also put onions and garlic in everything and we are constantly running out of them. And my crockpot is amazing.

Tomorrow starts week 3. I am completely prepared for it. Tonight we had shredded chicken tacos. I had the chicken over lettuce with a tomotillo sauce and chopped avocados. The family had regular tacos. Tomorrow the kids are trying lentils in Moroccan Chicken over lentils. Tuesday is sandwich night and Wednesday is Pioneer Dinner. That would be sausage with potatoes, carrots, and onions. S will be in heaven. Thursday is another chicken dinner and Friday is Parents Night Out, so we're going to the Cheesecake factory. With a plan, anything is possible.

I am moving the budget/financial goals up to the next priority. Trinks is getting pulled out of her miserable school and placed in a better school. The new school costs money. So financial goal may change as we figure out where the cash is coming from. But in good news, Trinks brought home the highest state reading score in her grade. She blasted through to Advanced. Next week is the math. And somehow we have to move her to the new school in the next 2 weeks. Life is an adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another solution to itchy throat. i know a lot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious itchy throat. Hope you are getting well soon!!!