Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rice and Beans, Beans and Rice

No - it's not a new diet craze, although I did start week 4 down 18.2 pounds. It's one of my favorite Dave Ramsey sayings. We finally resolved Trinks' school issue. We removed her from public school. I swear Karen is somewhere laughing at me because she refused to live in DE due to the school systems. I was was the right combination of optimistic and lazy, so I thought we'd be fine. WRONG!

So now we are shelling out a crapload of cash to send the kids to private school as well as get on a bus to kung fu. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Trinks bounds out of bed to get dressed, pack her lunch and help her brother. She comes home is a great mood and doesn't yell at us when we work with her on her homework. She is very pleasant to be around. I didn't realize how bad the situation was at the old school, but I am so happy we moved her.

So this move puts my financial goals on hold for this year. I am working on a budget now that should allow us to travel, but not run through our emergency fund. We need new tires for both cars, possibly a new heating/ac unit, and some basic home repairs. In the spring, I will most likely start looking for a new job, as I am severely underpaid for my skillset. I am also working on some food plans that include a lot of beans and rice, rice and beans. Back to being uber frugal and owning each dollar.

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