Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trinks melts down

Trinks was in NYC all week last week. We got her back Friday night and I spent most of the day at the 3 Day Expo on Saturday. On Sunday we had to take her to camp for the week. We did the usual lines of check in (lice and fungus check is my favorite) and ended up in the meadow. Once in the meadow, the girls meet their counselors and sing all the crazy Girl Scout songs. This is where we give Trinks hugs and kisses and go back home. We were almost halfway to the car when I heard thundering footsteps behind me. I turned and Trinks grabbed me and she was barely breathing. She was so upset she was in the middle of a panic attack.

Trinks doesn't get panic attacks much, but they scare the shit out of me. She just can't breathe. I feel like smacking her just to reset the cycle. I got her back breathing and then she told me she missed me so much. My heart melted a bit because my child has never really missed me in her entire life. I know she's going to have a blast learning how to play guitar, so I felt confident with my pep talk of "suck it up and put a smile on your face. Fake it until you make it and have some fun. If you really like the guitar, you can ask for one for Christmas." Yup - that's me. All the warm fuzzies a girl can want. Now I'm sure I have to make good on my promise about a guitar. Thankfully I came home and Amazon has some nice ones that won't break the bank.

But, to make up for lost time, Trinks and I are going back to school shopping this weekend. Normally we do this when we go to Galway, but I think we need a girls day before her final week of camp. I may even drive an hour to go to Target. I may even buy the Pottery Barn backpack she wants. I am a sucker to see my kid happy. If anyone wants to help make her final week fabulous, let me know and I'll send you her camp address.

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