Saturday, March 27, 2010

Killing me softly with paint fumes, killing me softly

In December I became ill at work. My co-worker had to file an incident report and see a doctor. We became sickened by the stench of window paint primer. The guys finally finished our area and we got better. No more headaches, nausea or neuropathy. Fast forward to last week. I moved buildings. The new building hadn't been through the primer process. They started on our floor and we got sick again. This time, I didn't hesitate. I e-mailed the nurse and let her know we were getting sick and asked what the company would do to protect us. Then I asked for the primer ingredients. Now I want a lawyer.

The health warning on the primer label indicates that anyone with a history of respiratory illness should not be exposed to the fumes. I have asthma. Hell - this is Delaware. We ALL have asthma. No note went out advising that those of us with lung problems should stay home until they finish poisoning us. Not extra fresh air was piped in to push the poison out of the air. I am beyond pissed off at this point. I do feel badly for the workers because now they have to work weekends until the company can relocate us temporarily. I sent an e-mail (I don't expect it to be answered) asking why I was deliberately exposed to a chemical that could impact my future health. Next week should be even more fun.

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