Thursday, October 22, 2009


Teavana is a wonderful store. Their teas are horrifically overpriced, but delicious. I went to the Willow Grove store during the 3 Day and was harassed by a car salesman-like clerk. I eased my way out of the store because he was trying to talk me into $40/pound tea. Now I like tea. I really like tea. I drink 4-5 cups of tea a day. I fail to see how $40 will enhance my experience.

Today I went to the Teavana in DE. The clerk suctioned herself to me, which always just completely pisses me off. YOU ARE SELLING TEA! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!! But I knew what I wanted so I could brush her off. I ended up with 4 ounces of Earl Grey and a travel mug infuser. And the disrespect of the clerk. The tea is delicious, but I don't know if I can stand going to their store again. Perhaps I can order online. It's a shame because their store is pretty cool. I wish I could walk around it without being harassed.


Nothing Knew said...

You must come to our place when we can get over to Cafe Tea. They have the $40 a pound teas but don't try to push anything.

I love that place...but can't get over there as much as I used to.

Not a chain. Small business, woman/veteran owned. Really nice people, kind of a hangout for teens and locals.

LRNs said...

I've tried Teavana and found it to be overpriced and a bit too high-end shopping for me. Have you tried ordering online?

I've used them several times.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a tea person, but love Cafe Tea! We definitely need to go there next time you are in the area.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Cafe Tea looks great. I'd love to go there next time we're over!