Saturday, October 3, 2009

S drank a green smoothie

I am on a new journey with my health, which I will blog about at some point. I've been researching and creating a program to get rid of my allergies and am happy to say I no longer need medicine. One of the aspects of this program is drinking green smoothies. They look really nasty, but taste surprisingly great and refreshing. Today we ate like crap for lunch - burgers, onion rings, fries, and perogies. I felt exhausted and sluggish when we got home so I blended a banana, cider, cilantro and blue green algae. I asked S to try it and he loved it. I split it with him. This child will drink a green smoothie, but not touch chicken. I just don't get it.


Anonymous said...

Have you offered him green chicken? :-)

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

I should put some chicken in a smoothie. As long as there is a banana in the mix, S will eat practically anything.