Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kindergarten Delinquent

Yesterday I had to be at work at 7, which means hubs was in charge of getting the kids up and ready. I worked until 6, picked Trinks up from her late kung fu class and made it home by 6:45. As hubs and I passed each other in the hall on his way to his kung fu class, he mentioned S couldn't play Mario Kart. Then he told me to read the note and ran for the door.

The trouble started in hubs' car in the morning. S apparently found 2 atomic fireballs and brought them to school. He ate one and gave another to a friend (retroactive heart attack about my kid sharing food with someone else and possible allergic reactions!!!!!). The teacher had a heart attack because the boys were running around the playground with these in their mouths, and made them spit them over the fence. S informed the teacher he was quitting school.

At lunch, S and the other helpers refused to set the table and do other chores to help get ready for the meal. After S was reprimanded, he informed the teacher that he was going to blow up the school. It's never boring around here.

1 comment:

Nothing Knew said...

Well, no Wii is the beginning of that conversation.

Good luck.