Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh Nuts!

I took both kids to the allergist today. Trinks nearly had a panic attack before the test began. S went first and was fidgety because it started itching. Then Trinks went into panic mode and completely freaked out. My mom got to hold her down for the scratch tests. She's allergic to NOTHING. The dr. doesn't quite believe it, but the next step is intraderma injections. Hmmmmm - NO! I am treating her as if she has dust and cat allergy. She does have asthma and will be on preventative meds until we go back in October.

S, on the other hand, is no longer allergic to eggs. He is allergic to TREE NUTS! Good thing I gave him a Nutella sandwich for lunch. He was only tested for cashews and pistachios, which means he can still eat Nutella. And since peanuts are dug and not grown on trees, we don't have as much to worry about. We have to have an epi pen. I dropped the prescriptions off on the way home, so tomorrow will be the epi pen training. Trinks will also learn how to use it. It's a good life skill to have.

So all in all it was a great day in the City of Brotherly Love. We took the Ben Franklin Bridge out of the city and had a lovely snack at Weber's Root beer. It's a car hop and the kids had a blast. Right now they are at the carnival as their reward.

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