Saturday, January 23, 2010

Good bye S, hello Trinks

We waved good bye to S this AM. He's headed down to FL for his last January trip to FL for a long time. Just spoke with him and they are in GA and will find a place to sleep soon. The three of us coped as best we could with the sudden silence.

Trinks and I hit her room with a vengeance. We got rid of more clothes, found a cover up that will fit her this summer, and threw out a bunch of crap. It's getting easier. The space is getting clearer and Trinks is doing much better. We don't have to sell her on the black market. I think she may be allowed to have her holiday gifts by Valentine's Day. So far, I am on track to get rid of half our crap this year. Next room - mine! So much crap to donate, so little time.

But it wasn't all work today. Trinks mentioned she wanted to see the Spy Next Door. We went. Hubs and I expected it to be horrible, but we both really liked it. It reminded me a lot of Uncle Buck. Then Trinks mentioned she wanted rotisserie turkey, so we went grocery shopping. Hubs made mashed potatoes while Trinks and I decluttered some more. Now Trinks and I are watching Suze Orman before I send her off to bed soon. She wants to walk the 3 mile loop at the park tomorrow, so we'll see what the weather looks like tomorrow.

We always enjoy having the kids one at a time. It really gives us a chance to see what crazy little people they are turning into. This will be a week of seafood and more interesting dinners. I will play some Super Mario Brothers without a crazed 5 year old telling me what to do every second. I am a bit sick of his Yoshi eating ME!

So this should be a good week. We'll miss S and his constant stream of comedy, but he'll be back in no time. Then it will be Trinks' turn to go away in April. I hope the kids realize how blessed they are!

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