Thursday, July 3, 2008

I am an International driver, and survivor

Well, it's official. I am an international driver. What car am I driving? I have no idea. It's a Ford and has 6 gears. And I took it to over 100. How did I end up driving today? I qualify more. My father in law can drive a manual car in the states. I have 19 years of experience and can get up hills. Go me. I had a great time driving to Spoleto. The trip was easy! I got cocky. We wandered around the town and saw all the sights, ate lunch, hit a playground and headed back to the car. I knew it would be a piece of cake, and then (dun, dun DUNNNNNNNNN - something went HORRIBLY wrong.

We used the GPS to get home. The voice can barely speak English, the Italian is horrible. Then we ran into construction - not the fault of the GPS. We RECALCULATED to a tiny lane. EASY. We went through a very low tunnel - yes I ducked going through it. Then we hit a 90 ° turn. I couldn't get through it. I had to back up and barely squeaked around the corner. Hubby was in the car behind me laughing. So I thought the worst was done for the day. We got on the autostrade and I put it into 6th gear. Then we came back to Todi.

Todi is on a hill. Correct that - a MOUNTAIN. I cruised up the hill and got within 10 feet of the top and the car crapped out on me. The clutch SUCKS. It wouldnĂ t catch and I was free falling back down. Crazy. Hubby had to rescue me and the stench of burning clutch has m enervous to get back in the cat again.

We are having a great time!!!!

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