Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Life's a piece of shit....

Nope - not another anti holiday rant. I'm trying not to blog cranky. Hence the silence. I am still hating the holidays, especially when Amazon refuses to leave my packages on my doorstep and makes me fetch them at the post office. If I wanted to do that, I WOULD HAVE GONE TO A STORE!!! And then another online store messed up my order and I may not have the best present available for the Hanukah party on Sunday.

But this isn't a holiday rant. S and I kind of had a special day yesterday. I picked him up to go to kung fu last night. Once again we sat on the side lines while he quaked in fear. We ran home, made sandwiches and got back in the car to eat them on the way to Brownies. We dropped Trinks off and had a great talk in the car. He let me know his favorite song is Always Look on the Bright Side of Life from Spamalot. And the reason for this is the line, "Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it". I did warn him not to sing it at school and giggled along with him. Then we got to the library and picked up the elusive #7 Magic Treehouse Sunset of the Sabertooth. We finished #6 last week, and S owns #8, but #7 was not at the library so I had to order it. I think it was the best school night he's had in a while. I will miss these days when the little things make him happy.

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