Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The US Preventive Task Force is made up of morons

And, apparently, not of oncologists. Fuck them. This team of 16 idiots, came to conclusion that mammograms do not save enough women, so they don't believe women without a risk factor should get mammograms. For every 1900 mammograms, only 1 woman's life is saved. That's just dandy if you are one of the 1900. But if you are the ONE, it freaking sucks. It means people like Kathi are more likely to die because they won't get a mammogram. She didn't know she had cancer until it appeared on her routine mammogram. There were no other signs. So she was the ONE in 1900, and I am grateful every day that I still have her in my life. I am NOT willing to lose a friend because the US Preventive task force believes their lives aren't worth anything.

Am I going to rely on this uneducated group to dictate my health? FUCK NO! I'll be getting squished in the next few months. I think I go in December. I don't care if I have to lie about risk to get insurance to pay for it. It's necessary. There are too many people I know who have breast cancer (prayers and happy thoughts to NJ teacher's mother who had a very successful surgery and is now waiting to hear the staging and treatment plan). Early detection is key to successful treatment of this disease. In defiance of this study (which I am sure was funded by insurance companies) I am checking my boobs EVERY DAY. Peace of mind is more important that some unqualified dr's opinion. Join my movement and check the girls, the ta tas, boobs, melons, breasts, whatever you want to call them, EVERY DAY. Heck - check someone else's boobs for a change of pace. JUST CHECK THEM!! STAY SAFE!! Your life is important to ME.


Anonymous said...

Well stated!!! I was appalled when Nothing Knew showed me the article last night.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

thanks - was ranting about this all day. I can't believe how backwards all this is!!!