Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stress, stress go away!!!

I have been so stressed out about work that I've been having nightmares. Bad timing, now that we're getting into the holiday season - a season I have hated for years. This weekend I have been tackling some of the issues of why I am stressed out and I seem to be winning. I did a lot of holiday shopping online and I am prety much done. Hubs has to get his presents, but this year I am checking to see if he shopped BEFORE we get in the car so I won't be embarassed when he has nothing.

I think the best thing I did this weekend was to pull out tons of crap and box it up for Goodwill. I am about to head upstairs and get more stuff out of Trinks' room. I even parted with BOOKS! Three boxes worth. I can probably fill 10 more boxes, and I'm pretty excited about getting these dust collectors out of my house. I just feel like I am suffocating and stuff has to go. I have challenged myself to removing 1/2 of our possessions this year. We did it in the living room and it is by far the easiest room to take care of. I look forward to paring down to the bare necessities. I'll try not to beat myself up about buying stupid things - apple peeler slicer corer, anyone? - and just get rid of it. What isn't appropriate for Goodwill will go in the trash. Things like good china will be sold on E Bay. If I haven't used something in the last 1-3 years, it goes. I feel better and I can breathe better. The stress is leaving my body.

Well, break is over. Back to packing up the crap!

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