Friday, October 21, 2011

Prepping for celiac test

I went to the dr on Tuesday and got my script for celiac test. Do I think I have celiac? It's possible, but not probable. I just want to know. The problem is I have pretty much gluten free for a while, so in order for the test to be accurate, I have to add gluten back in my diet. I am in hell.

Everything I thought I missed tastes crappy. Granted, I am eating processed food like pizza, pretzels, and bread. I haven't had much processed stuff in the last year, so it's a dramatic change. I am counting the days until this test. The internet searches I've done indicate I need to eat the equivalent of 4 sliced of bread per day for three months. My response? FUCK NO.

In the four short days I have had gluten, my symptoms came screaming back. Rosacea? Check. Puffy face? Check. Exhaustion? Check. Muscle fatigue? Got it in spades. Aching joints? Absolutely. Feeling like there are bugs running around in my blood stream that are keeping me both hyper and unfocused? Oh yes. Asthma chest pains and shortness of breath? Got it.On Tuesday, my first gluten experience was pretzels. While I was eating them, my hands swelled up to the point that my rings were tight. Right before I ate the pretzels, my rings were so loose, that I was enjoying spinning them.

So I will continue to eat gluten until my team's potluck next week. I'm making my world famous pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and I would like to eat them one last time. And then I can get back to my almost grain free, protein and veggie filled lifestyle, no matter what the test says. I have a significant gluten issue that seems to be causing all of my autoimmune responses. If it turns out I have celiac, I have a script for Trinks to get tested. Then we can build the genetic tree. Fun.

1 comment:

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